Friday, January 21, 2011

Scripture Cake / Ice Cream to Go

1 1/2 cups butter — Psalms 55:21
2 cups granulated sugar — Jeremiah 6:20
6 eggs — Isaiah 10:14
4 1/2 cups flour — I Kings 4:22
1/8 teaspoon salt — Luke 14:34
2 teaspoons baking powder — I Corinthians 5:6
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg — II Chronicles 9:9
4 teaspoons cinnamon — II Chronicles 9:9
2 teaspoons allspice — II Chronicles 9:9
2 teaspoons ground cloves — II Chronicles 9:9
2 tablespoons honey — Judges 4:19
1/2 cup milk — Judges 4:19
2 cups raisins — II Samuel 16:1
2 cups chopped figs — Song of Solomon 2:13
2 cups blanched, slivered almonds — Numbers 17:8

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.   Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then beat in eggs, one at a time. Sift together flour, salt, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and ground cloves and add alternately with the milk to the batter.  Stir in the honey and fold in fruits and nuts; mix well.  Bake in two greased 9 x 5-inch loaf pans for one hour or until done. Cool for 30 minutes before removing cakes from pans to rack to finish cooling.

Thanks to Julie Druck in Pennsylvania for this recipe!  To receive Julie's monthly newsletter, A Heart for Home, send a blank e-mail to:

Here’s a recipe for summer fun from “Homespun Gifts from the Heart” by Ehman, Hovermale, & Smith.    (Note from Lois:  Honey may be substituted for sugar.  This idea would be lots of fun for a child's birthday party, a youth group, a date, or any type of get-together!  A fun idea!)

For each child, you’ll need:
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 cup whipping cream (the stuff in the small “milk” carton, NOT in the can!)
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 qt. size reclosable bag & 1 gal. size reclosable bag
2 cup ice & 1 tablespoon coarse or rock salt

Carefully pour the milk, cream, sugar and vanilla into the quart-size bag.  Seal tightly, removing excess air.  Place ice and salt in the gallon-size bag.  Place the sealed quart-size bag inside the gallon bag with the ice and salt.  Let the kids shake, knead and jiggle the bags for AT LEAST 15 minutes.  Soft ice cream will begin to form in the smaller bag.  Tell the kids that the longer they knead/shake the bags, the thicker the ice cream will be.  They can eat it from the bag with a spoon or pour it into a small mug.  The ice cream is delicious!!